To commemorate my recent trip to the Home of Golf, and as a preview of some of the places that will be covered in my next book, I have printed a limited number of 2022 calendars. The size is 6.5″ x 8.5″ and is printed on premium quality glossy card stock.
The price is $20 plus $5 for US shipping. If you are interested, contact me at [email protected] with your shipping address. Payment can be via paypal (@jimhartsell1) or venmo (@Jim-Hartsell). All profits, after I cover all the printing and shipping costs, will be donated to Youth on Course in memory of my son Jordan.
Shipping and handling is $5 in the US via USPS. I will also be happy to ship to the UK and Canada for $5, but there is a slight risk involved. If for some reason the package is not accepted in the UK as a large envelope mail format, it will be returned. However, I have had very good success mailing items to the UK this way in the past. If for some reason, an order is returned, I will obviously refund the full amount. I anticipate the calendars will be available to start shipping on November 10.